
Wednesday, April 22, 2015

You Were Searching ... Generations Later

Galaxy of Galaxies from M-Set
(image credit: Jonathan J. Dickau, image created using ChaosPro 3-3 software by Martin Pfingstl)
We’ve already had a Lunar Eclipse, Pluto’s station, Jupiter’s station, a New Moon (to go with the Lunar Eclipse Full Moon) and the Sun, Mercury and Venus all changing signs.

In short, if what you’re keeping up with is current astro-doings, that’s all the ‘major’ doings until Mercury changes signs on May 1st (UT/+0 time). (Which I’ll get myself to thinking about in time to write a post.) But in the meantime, it’s time to get out the ever-accumulating list of search terms sourced from a list which appears in the astroPPM digital ‘back room’ courtesy of Google.

There, under ‘Stats’ (subsection ‘Traffic Sources’) is a list entitled “Search Keywords,” in the fields of which are words you (and all your merry human friends)(the un-merry ones too) use when looking for the information which leads you to astroPPM.

For the record, I have no idea what other blog owners do with like information. But here at this blog, when Existence provides time (as it has this month) in the astro-schedule, I like providing a few words on such subjects.

You know, just in case you haven’t found an answer yet. And besides that, it’s always good to know someone is listening.

So here begins this edition of ‘You Were Searching’ - which I’ll start with a brief mention of Searcher Field Theory.

What’s that?

Allow me to explain: the following search turned up in the keyword list just yesterday:


That’s a line which sounds a bit like the beginning to a mystery novel to me (a timely mystery novel, yes...). But more importantly (to you, should you want to get your queries on the astroPPM search term board), it’s also very clear evidence of how much information gets delivered by Google.

Yes, even though.

So here’s the topic du jour...


This line has turned up a couple of times on the search list. And every time I see it (or anything like it), I think of two things. The first is how iffy society’s general estimations of start-and-stop dates seems if you’re used to using some sort of generation marker (astrology uses Pluto) ... and the second is about how much of the world’s current turmoil is to be expected simply because of our being at - and having to live through - the change of astrological ages.

To explain the Ages in short, have you ever watched a spinning top or gyroscope? As you’ve watched them, did you notice how that top or gyroscope ‘wobbles’ slightly as it spins, causing the point at its top to describe its own little circle?

What you probably didn’t realize at the time is how is that little circle is rotating in the direction opposite to that of the top or gyroscope’s spin. But it is - and the same thing happens with planet Earth as it spins on its axis...

... a situation which means that though we currently call Polaris our ‘Pole Star’ because its district of the sky is the place an imaginary ‘stick’ stuck through Earth pole-to-pole currently points at.

And that means Polaris’ won’t be our pole star forever, as the following diagram of where Earth’s pole ‘points’ to (at given years) demonstrates.

As for the length of time it takes for Earth to go through the whole of its ‘pole star’ cycle, that number (in years) is 25,920. And if you divide 25,920 by twelve (the number of signs in the zodiac) gives us 2,160 - the length of one astrological age.

And when we add in how the top-of-the-top (or gyroscope, or planet) cycles in a direction opposite to that the planet rotates, that tells us that  astrological ages rotate backwards.

So if we used to be in the Age of Pisces (more on that in a moment) and we’re now in (or moving into) the Age of Aquarius (the sign which precedes Pisces) that means we are moving not into our strength, but that our ‘forward motion through time’ (the Earth’s forward motion and its direction of rotation as part of that motion) we encounter or stir up 12th-harmonic things ... 12th derivative things ...

...in other words, every time the astrological ages change, they move us not into our strengths, but into those areas of life or towards those considerations which whether on a planetary, personal, societal, spiritual or ecological level are the difficulties, the vulnerabilities - all those things which we really would rather not have to deal with, which we have to deal with anyway.

Because it’s our planet and thus the basis (foundational) thing which support life on Earth.

Just as a full disclaimer here, there are a couple of notable astrologers who think we’re still in the Piscean Age and that we’re going to be in the Age of Pisces for another hundred-plus years yet. Their logic (as I understand it) is based on the length of constellations (constellation star positions) instead of Earth’s motion relative to its position in space plus the fact that astrology is a geocentric (Earth-centered) study.

Well, something close to 90% of it is. There is heliocentric (Sun-centered) astrology. I don’t practice it, nor do I know anyone who does ... but theoretically its possible to have Sun-centered astrology, Saturn-centric astrology or anything else-centric astrology. (And as soon as someone perfects that software... which has been kicking around in rough form for years now... the research will begin.)

Each to their own there. Meanwhile, back in the world of geocentric astrology, the bottom line on Ages is that everyone does indeed agree they cycle backwards - and whether we’re at the-crack-of-dawning-of or already fully encompassed by the Aquarian Age, its plain that things are changing radically from where they were as little as a hundred years ago.

Besides, given the nature of Aquarius (a sign which not only seeks integration but also sometimes supports the value of making objections for the sake of finding out what happens if objections get made) ... given that, we would hardly think the Aquarian Age would start without a quibble.

What, not even ONE?


That aside, astrological ages also don’t flip on and off like light bulbs. They’re more like the colors in a rainbow where hue by hue, degree by degree, the color shifts. There is a time when you look ahead and another moment in which you know you’ve arrived.

And until then, the fact that the Ages are changing ...? That can be tough - on an individual basis, a generational basis (changes of Ages are bound to affect parent/child relations in odd and head-or-heart-aching sorts of ways where the parent is born in the outgoing Age and the child is then born imprinted by different metaphysical patterns.

Such differences can leave both sides feeling  invalidated and unsuccessful - and it’s not that they’re flawed as human beings, but because these people happened to get their turn at parenting or being someone’s child in a moment when our time and energetic tides are taking a Age-driven turn.

It can be daunting, no doubt - even if you’re someone who believes we are never given challenges we are not also given the power to tackle, master and learn from, even if you’re someone who believes the great metaphysical treatise about how ‘unbeknownst to us, the universe is unfolding as it should.’

As for generations, astrological generations are a Pluto function; in every generation we see its drive - the ‘mass passion’ of a group of people born over a period of years.

 Pluto through the signs
Most of us know Pluto generations by their nicknames: Pluto in Leo is the Baby Boomer generation, Pluto in Virgo equals Yuppies, Pluto in Libra is Gen X, Pluto in Scorpio has (somewhat mysteriously, which suits) come to be known as Gen Y and the Pluto in Sagittarius group - the group which was being born at the time of the millennium, they get the astrological title of Millennials.

We are currently living under Pluto in Capricorn, and that tribe doesn’t have a name yet. But then, that isn’t surprising ... there are some things in astrology we only understand once they’re over or past. Pluto and Saturn transits are both pretty well known for this effect - which makes a good deal of sense as we sometimes can’t know what something has been transformed into (Pluto equaling transformation) until the metaphysical hocus-pocus is over just as many of us are understandably hesitant to say what something is (or whether it is real) unless - per Saturn’s rule as definer of time and ‘structural’ reality - it truly is real, that being when its ‘reality’ solidifies in our mind as real.

But as for why Pluto functions as a generational marker, that answer would seem to be all about what some call an ‘over-focus,’ some call a ‘passion’ and others call an obsession, all of which are the hallmark of how Plutonic energies function in real time - i.e., how we tend to ‘act out’ our Pluto energies. This differs from Pluto’s traditional themes of direction - Pluto energetics tend to ‘aim’ at any of the keywords which describe how Pluto ‘transforms things’ - that being either through a process of creating, denying or destroying, the latter of which can be a simple elimination (a “wiping out”) or an eliminating of one thing as part of a process which allows something else to come into being with ‘denials’ being either a method of control OR a means by which one thing is ‘denied’ (or denied access) so that something else can have its turn.

In any case, wherever we see Pluto by sign (and house) in our natal chart that combination tells us the thing or things we are going to be passionate about and where or how in our lives we are going to operate while pursuing our personal passion(s).

And so dedicated are we, so passionate are we about that thing we love, crave, and pursue with such a Pluto passion that other people look at us sideways or wonder what we’re up to (or if we’re crazy to be wanting to be doing it so much)... well, eventually things happen.

And when those things happen, we are transformed.

Some of us decide the ‘thing’ wasn’t our aim (the pursuit was) while others find their Plutonic passion has so unbalanced their life (as a whole) that they now need to ‘re-transform’ things and bring them back into balance person for one’s own good.

In other words, Pluto really is the ‘outcome’ ruler of Scorpio, as Scorpio - among its roles as the zodiac’s fixed interactive sign - functions as a warning system to tell us where or how we are getting (or have gotten) out of internal balance by confronting us with perils we have metaphysically “asked for” by mistaking or projecting our vulnerabilities onto others - this being part of Scorpio function as the oppositional sign to security-loving Taurus, the other side of which we just jolly-trotted though in the recent post on Sun in Taurus.

And yes - that would be one of the thoughts behind my picking this particular search term at this particular time. This Earth Day 2015 (the date of this post) with three personal planets (Sun, Mercury and Mars) in Taurus and (oh yes...) Pluto in Capricorn - another earth sign, so we are rooted in our reality at the moment and feeling our mortal earthly earthiness.

The whole of Earth is feeling its Taurus/Scorpio balance (and lacks thereof) at the moment.

Among other things, the net here is that the Pluto in Scorpio generation is likely to do many ‘extreme’ things - all of which are about this generation’s need to feel and find a balance within the Self. Some members of this generation will find it easiest to figure this out through others and challenges or opportunities presented by or in their society, and this isn’t shocking - its just part of the natural ‘vibe’ of a planet being in a sign which is public, interactive and connective by nature.

Scorpio learns by testing what makes it feel secure and what makes it feel not so secure, and not all of it is real: this is an emotional sign which feels its own vulnerability, often as an inner feeling of ‘lack of completeness’ which arises from the Taurus desire to feel secured trying to ‘complete’ its task through interaction with others.

At the time of the millennium, Pluto was in Sagittarius - the sign after Scorpio, otherwise known as the ‘2nd derivative’ ... and as of the end of 2008, Pluto moved into Capricorn - the 3rd derivative sign to Scorpio. Any third derivative sign speaks to the tone or notion of our thought pattern, which with the Pluto in Scorpio tribe is described as being Capricorn in nature, telling us that this astrological generation has all sorts of Capricorn-like mental blessings and banes. So on one hand we have generation fully armed with much mental determination, ambition and a powerful ability to see through veneers, whether that exposes the good, bad or merely foolish. And on the other hand this generation is also endowed with a singular potential for producing depression, fear and exclusion - in the Self or in others.

Currently on track to be sorting through life choices often through trying things out and learning how to define the Self through what doesn’t fit, the Pluto in Scorpio generation is currently experiencing a very long (Pluto in Capricorn) period of watching the world changing even as they try to decide what part of that world is worth wanting to feel challenged by (that being the process by which this generation defines personal-individual goals). This period, which lasts until 2023/2024 when Pluto sidles its way into Aquarius, is probably going to remembered as amazingly productive once Gen Y folks get a couple of decades down the line even if things don’t look entirely frivolous at the moment.

But then, should they? From the Pluto perspective nothing is simple, if only because we are feeling people. Pluto in Scorpio people know this - and unlike the several generations before them, this is a generation which lives and thrives on emotionality and all things which promote and provoke emotionality. To Gen Y, the world is about a connection which is not so much about what we connect on but why we connect. Initially they will center their feelings on those who are their nearest and dearest, but as this generation matures over the next couple of decades (of Pluto in Aquarius and Pisces) they will discover much about life as they define its worth being that which makes the world worth living for all. (And may the good Lord help those who try to tell this generation what they believe in!)

Once Pluto left the six 'private' signs behind as it entered Libra back in 1971-1972, a lot of focus moved out of the private life and into the public, worldly and interactive sector ... after which everything went 'social.'

In other words, when obsessive Pluto left the 'private' signs, society - led ultimately by those born under those born with Pluto in Libra (Gen X) and beyond - society also left the realm of the personal and personally private for all the reasons, results, notions and consequences good and bad.

There's a very large shift which exists between these two groups - those born under Pluto in a 'private' sign and those born with Pluto in a 'public' sign. The difference between them has ... and will ... create much friction and 'push.' And that, considering how members of generations born under Pluto in 'private' signs are still generally in charge of our world can easily be seen as a subtle if persistent astro-signature behind much now and yet to come which is and will be sincerely troublesome.

On top of which comes our global disorientation and all the shifts of perspective which go with the changing of the Ages.

It's all quite enough to cause members of Pluto-in-a-fixed-sign Gen Y members to choose carefully when it comes to allowing your Self to indulge too much in personal passions ... in spite of the urgent magnetism of this idea or that.

And yet this generation is destined to experience - over time and in many forms - how overindulgence in the intensity of obsession and one's will to control generates exactly the sort of thing which defeats either the aim ... or maybe just the reason you were aiming for it.

Which in the end ... well, isn’t that the very nature of Pluto and Scorpio? If so, the Pluto in Scorpio generation is destined to push themselves - and many around them to many a frighteningly powerful brink, that being the way this generation finds itself as something akin to, and yet separate from others. 

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