
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

A Celestial Christmas

Earth, Venus and Jupiter as we seldom see them - from "out there." This
photograph was taken by NASA's Stereo-B probe just today...apparently our
solar system has the Christmas lights on!

As if to get us thinking, as of Christmas Eve the fine folks at Spaceweather gave us the above image – one taken by NASA’s Stereo-B probe and dated December 24, 2013.

(And I don't think Space probes ever fudge dates...do they?)

It is thought by some that the Star of Bethlehem in the story of Jesus’ birth was actually a major planetary conjunction, the merging of which would have created what the ancients saw as a singular star…a singular metaphysical sign of miraculous things to come.

It is never my purpose to preach religion here at astroPPM, but I think the idea of that – the ‘singular sign’ is true whether you believe in Divinity or Jesus or any of it. It’s simply a fact – that time came and went and the person born mortal who has come down to us as Jesus, complete with everything which surrounded the life of Jesus, was a singular sign. The rise and spread of Christianity – simply as a religion as potent as it is – changed the world as it was known at the time.

The world is going to keep changing. Every once in a while cycles converge and things fall into line and we both break free and get closer to who we are and who or what we love all at once. We’re all going through some of that…life is feeling sticky exactly in the same moment that it’s beyond control and yet ours to manage.

From Stereo-B’s perspective, Earth and Jupiter are less than a degree apart. For the spiritual, this may look like the view from Above…a ‘regard’ for those of us living on our beautiful, luscious blue planet.

That aside, in a more simple astrological sense, to have Earth and Jupiter together is a happy image which looks like nothing more than that most treasured blessing we all say now and again:

Peace on Earth, Goodwill to Mankind.

Merry Christmas, Everyone!

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