
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Mars in the Cross-Hairs

Image developed from a picture of Mars taken by NASA's
Viking I spacecraft on February 22, 1980

The ever-lovable NASA sent out a circular today. It's title:

Collision Course?

 A Comet Heads for Mars


(Yes, that's a link, in case you want to read the whole thing.)


The comet, which NASA refers to by the cozy name C2013 A1 is reportedly 1-to-3 kilometers in diameter. And NASA being NASA, they're hopping to the launch pad to get something sent off to Mars in time to be there should such a collision really occur.


Their question is pretty obvious: what would the impact of such an object do to Mars as a planet? Considering Mars is a bit over half the size of our beloved Planet Earth it's not like the whole planet is going to crumble or anything. But NASA is tapping its metaphysical (more like digital) pencil, wondering what such a smack will do to...say, Mars' magnetic field, which unlike Earth's cozy swaddling blanket is already a splintered and somewhat chaotic thing - which as an astrologer strikes me as interesting. Do the differing nature of planetary magnetic fields 'color' their astrological meanings? Neptune and Jupiter both have huge magnetic effects, and their astro-metaphysical effects reflect that.


This strikes me as a subject worth looking into (after I catch up with everything else which needs doing. But I'll get there!)


In the meantime, do we know where the radiant of this comet is? Apparently not. So far the only thing I've been able to find out with regards to the Comet 2013's orbit is that it's closest point to the Sun (the perihelion point) is at 1.39957 astronomical units, which puts it just a bit inside the perihelion point of asteroid Atlantis (a point which challenges us to give up what we know and think we want so that we can find that thing which will really fulfill us)...and just outside Mars' perihelion point.


I've also found out that JPL (the Jet Propulsion Lab in Pasadena, California) has Comet 2013 A1 already listed as Siding Spring, which when you look that up leads to this:


That mountain in the distance with the building sitting on top of it is Siding Spring Mountain - and the building is the central structure of the Siding Spring Observatory complex. (photo credit: Diceman, Feb 2009) 


Which if you do a bit of reading turns out to be one of Australia's best known observatories, a facility which includes the SkyMapper Telescope....

 SkyMapper Telescope at Siding Spring Observatory (photo credit: Iridia, May 2009)


....which causes me to wonder if (by any metaphysical happenstance) this particular observatory will be particularly active in the 2014 Mars Watch.


Oh yes...2014 is when Comet Siding Spring is supposed to arrive at Mars - as shown by this JPL-generated image of it's path conjuncting Mars:


 diagram courtesy of JPL's Small Object Database orbital generator


So you have some perspective, here's another orbital diagram - one which shows where the comet is right now.


 diagram courtesy of JPL's Small Object Database orbital generator


Also...just so you know, the date shown is a tiny bit off. Not the 'today' date, but that October 2014 date should be October 19, 2014 as the 'closest approach' date. (I should have looked up the date before working with the generator.)


So what's happening on that date if we look at it from the astrological perspective?


Here's the chart:


 October 19, 2014 - 00:17 a.m. (UT/+0) - Aries wheel (location not specific)


The bad news is that this looks like a moment when it's easy to be upset...and which on the other side is one when there may be people trying to upset everybody else. Eris/South Node in Aries with Mars as ruler of Aries in Sagittarius conjunct Ras Alhague (healing versus harm) and Circe (the ability to fall under someone's spell) makes this look a bit like one of those moments when 'pronouncements' get made.


With Eris conjunct Pandora and Pelion, this could be a time of much hope. Pelion is 'the mountain' from which we get the idea of 'much' hope and the hope part is what Pandora is about: holding on to hope amidst many bad, difficult and scary things.


Then again, someone may be trying to unbalance things by promising something or warning about something so that people can have hope. And oh, do people tend to fall for threats veiled in the promise of 'how to survive.' Or 'get ahead.' Or 'save what you have.'


All that.


And there is the idea that this chart has Eris at the 'tail' of a kite. That means the Eris Effect - 'being shaken' - is what we're supposed to do.


So think about how to 'shake it up,' folks. Evidently life wants us to get a few nuts out of our tree. Or the tree, depending.


Whatever this is about, it would seem to have it's starting point during the latter part of May of 2014, that being when the South Node will come within orb of discordant Eris in the weeks after a Solar Eclipse at 8 Taurus, a sensitive degree which is highly defensive and not extremely quick to react.


The heart of 2014 - all of it - is going to be a time when transiting Uranus is square transiting Pluto, equaling change, lest you be changed. This is a repeating theme in celestial doings which at the moment is being seen in Uranus and Pluto and being set off by a series of Solar Eclipses which began in 2013, all of which will be in Taurus or Scorpio.


To put it directly (and maybe a bit lightly) this is a celestial call for us to get off our duff. We are neither 'all that' nor should we be thinking we are. There is always something bigger than we are.


And come October of 2014, that may well reach the planetary level.


Oh yes...and just as a political note, isn't October 2014 a month shy of Election Day for those in the United States?


The curious part about this October 2014 chart is the position of Pluto. Did you notice it? In this chart, Pluto is at 11 Capricorn.


Guess where Pluto is now.


Yes, 11 Capricorn.


So what we are seeing in this evolution is 'how big' the stakes can get. And we have the opportunity to change things - and to change our lives - right here, right now. No, it won't be easy. But evidently (considering this is Pluto we're talking about) it's necessary.


If we were to think of Mars as a planet not wanting to get smacked by an asteroid (even though Mars knows Mars will survive), how does that translate into our daily lives? 


That would seem to be the metaphysical question.  




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