
Monday, October 29, 2012


Rain drops on a window (Frank Vincentz, Dec 2007)

I went to sleep last night thinking about the storm about to move onto the east coast of the United States. And when I woke up this morning, I was still thinking about that storm. I know a lot of people who live in its proposed path and hope all goes well for them.

It led me to the inevitable question about why astro-meteorology isn’t more useful. After all, since the universe is contiguous (it’s all energy of some sort) that we can use celestial objects as ‘markers’ in time space and judge aspects by relative 3-D positioning (which is very Star Trek and all that…) astro-meteorology can work.

The problem is that the current state of software makes working with charts less flexible than – say – Google Maps. Horoscopes are terribly place-specific. If you want to move the ‘spot’ for which your chart is cast twenty miles down the road, you need to cast a new chart.

What we need are chart adjuncts which allow you to move your chart’s location by increments – as you can on Google Maps by 'grabbing' the map and shifting it slightly. We need a way to be able to shift a chart between the totally localized wheel you know so well and the astro-cartography maps of the world.

There has to be a better way. An interim version.

The time thing? That we have licked.  Astrological software already allows us to walk chart forward and backwards through time by seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years.

But location? Not so much. So far we're either in this mode...

A horoscope wheel cast for the time and place of writing this post
 (Los Angeles, CA - 11:05 a.m. October 29, 2012)

Or this mode...

 The same chart as above, here cast as a world astro-cartography map

But if we could…once you found that place where the chart ‘works’ (or centers on) a given idea, to be able to click a button and get the data for the ‘where’ of it all (longitude plus latitude plus real-world town-county-state location), that would be super-spiffy.
No one’s done that yet, no. And I’m no programmer, so it isn’t likely I’m going to be the one to fill this gap.

But when that day comes, I’m going to grow up to be an astro-weatherman.

And in the interim, it just plain annoys me that I can’t know more and - in light of that, be more helpful!

With best wishes to all those enduring hard times and difficult moments whether due to weather or any other cause, here in the USA or abroad.

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