
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Happy Birthday, Blog!

The glorious Japanese cherry trees along Washington D.C.'s
 Tidal Basin were given to America by Japan back in 1965.
They are in every way the essence of a beautiful gift!
 (photo credit: Scott Bauer, U.S. Department of Agriculture)

Two Years ago, astroPPM came onto the digital air and posted it's first blog.

Hundreds of blogs and hundreds of thousands of page views later, this world, this solar system, this Existence is still fascinating. Thanks to all of you who come by to read and comment, and here's to much much more in the months and years to come!

Oh - and why the photo of the cherry trees? For one, I think it's beautiful. Beyond that, it makes this a birthday blog with a cherry tree on top.

(No...I couldn't resist the pun. But would you really want it any other way?)

So I repeat: Happy Birthday, Blog!

And with that now duly cheered, I return you to your regularly irregularly scheduled bloggery. Stand by and in a couple of hours you'll see a post go up for the May 20th Solar Eclipse.

Thanks again!


  1. A Blogiversay?? I LOVE IT!

    Just one question...where do we stick the candles? (hahahah!)

    Thanks, Stacia!
