
Sunday, May 29, 2011

Dateblog: The Week Ahead (May 29-June 4)

 Creation of the world XII by Mikalojus Konstantinas Ciurlionis (1906/07)

With last week having uncovered what we don’t like, this week starts the process of what are we going to do about it? 

Mind you, the ‘what we don’t like’ part could be about ourselves – or the world around us. Or someone we know. Or how something we’ve been working on has turned out – or been received with less than sterling applause.

Last week’s Hybris and Nessus going retrograde in Aquarius was reflected in comparisons with others and dismissiveness of or from others.

But give us all a few days and most people get down off their high horse, whether that steed is named Resentment, Don’t Push or Missed the Mark.

To reflect once emotions settle down a bit…that’s just human nature. But have we forgotten? Probably not. Moments which have not gone as planned (or expected) will still be stuck to the side walls of our mind…and as we mentally pass by, they catch our attention. Some stick their tongues out at us, others are merely pinned to the constructs of our consciousness all crumpled and sad.

May 29th is a day of asteroids changing signs. Athena and Eos are first…signaling a ‘dawning’ (Eos) of new perspective which allowed us to reconsider and begin to move on from our ‘ouches’ to possible solutions for same.

After all, our aims are still our aims. So…how to get from here to there?

As Athena moves into Gemini, we know we need to understand. And we know we need to choose better if we are to get the results that we really want. That this change happens only a couple of days in advance of a Gemini Solar Eclipse is part of the whole ‘description’ being given to us on the astrological level about the changes which are necessary in our personal life – and life all around us. Athena in Gemini points to the need to make decisions based on knowing (acquiring the information from which to make a decent choice), a lack of emotionality (in a more logical and less passionate mode) and that the knowing person (the “Athena” mind) knows that choices must be made (dithering forever or stonewalling is not a solution)…that choices have consequences (Sagittarius as polarity sign to Gemini) and that once you make a choice, following through on that choice making adjustments as you go is part of the whole Gemini/Sagittarius mutable lesson. Just because you encounter a bump in the road does not mean the choice of that road is faulty. We weather the bump, we then move on.

Life is not smooth. The road of life is bumpy!

Eos makes this shift at 1:43pm, followed by Athena moving into Gemini at 1:44pm (both UT/+0).

About four hours pass, then at 5:59pm (UT/+0) Klotho – a signature of beginnings and bringing thing into being – enters Cancer.

With two solar eclipses about to happen successively in Gemini and Cancer, this ‘what am I going to do with or about my life?’ question is going around like a case of extremely contagious itchiness. At this point many are still caught up in the what-to-do, how-to-do-it more Gemini part of the question, but the Cancer realization that this is…

1. A time of opportunity. You can make something of yourself now.


2. A time when what we do with our lives is going to determine how we live and basic options we will or won’t have in years to come.

….all that Cancer ‘this is important!’ stuff is really beginning to bubble up from within – Klotho (beginnings) hitting this point is an indication of how such issues are ‘rising to the surface.’

How will we cope? Well, in one of several ways. Some are likely to live through a period of what Thoreau so elegantly referred to as ‘quiet desperation.’ Others will go back and forth, torn by restless, logic-versus-emotion tug of war. Then there are others who really know what they need to do in order to get where they want to be. Those people will now begin moving into a new phase of laying (Cancer) groundwork, getting (Gemini) information and in general, organizing (or reorganizing) their (Gemini/Cancer) plan.

And if you catch from that last bit that the best thing we can do is fuse need and logical process into a plan to get us where we want to go, you get a cookie!

(And yes, a glass of milk with which to wash it down.)

As for Klotho against Eos/Athena, the signs and differences in time suggest that we get the ‘idea’ (Eos/Athena) then set about figuring out how to ‘spin it’ into reality – Klotho being the first of the Greek Fates and she who spins the thread out of ‘a raw yarn’ (the rough idea).

To illuminate this briefly and personally: you’re seeing changes here at astroPPM. They’re a result of my having learned a lot by push the ‘blog-bounds’ for myself and (quite honestly) the astrological community throughout the last year.

In doing that, I’ve learned much about astrology and timing (using astrology to time things) a bundle about blogging and a bushel and then some about the generalities of operating on the web.

That’s all very Gemini.

Against this is what I’ve also realized about what I need to do going forward in order to take care of myself. You heard one fluffle about this back in December as the Sun moved past the 29 Sagittarius (Sag being opposite Gemini) into Capricorn, the sign in opposition to Cancer.

Cancer is about all we consider basic: family, homeland, upbringing and culture. The roof over our head and how we make our way in the world - that's all very Cancerian.

For me, that Capricorn 'opposition' point was when I really began considering how to work this blog so as to give you the information you want while working to put a fiction work which has and is my goal into print.

We had a Capricorn eclipse in January...which we've seen has been about every form of 'how life/my life is structured' around. Now we face off against that: the picture moves from the worldly (governments, rulers, public demonstrations) into the realm of the local and personal.

 Solar Eclipse of June 1, 2011, 9:04pm (UT/+0) at 11 Gemini
Aries Wheel - Location Not Specific

As I experimented, I came up with the monthly Dateblog idea. That's been sufficiently popular that now I’m broadening its use so you can continue getting your astro-trend information while I get more space in which to write different kinds of posts…plus have time/energy left with which to edit my book.

We work in cycles. I keep saying that and this is a pretty good example of how such things evolve. With Uranus now in Aries poised against our June 1st Gemini solar eclipse…that spells “opportunity.” But it’s the sort of opportunity which only comes to life when we each ‘seize the moment’ and learn to operate the parameters of whatever it is we’re going after.

Uranus’ impending square-by-sign to the July 1st Cancer solar eclipse? That challenges us to break out of old molds. They may be comfy, but even from where we sit, we can see they can’t last (or work)  forever.
With that much said…

May 30th has asteroid Amor moving into Gemini at 9:55am (UT/_0). Amor is ‘warmth’ as opposed to Eros, which is passion. Think friendship instead of lovers and companions or compatriots as opposed to partners.

With the Moon moving into Taurus at 1:03pm (UT/+) in anticipation of its Gemini eclipse moment on Wednesday there is a quality of ‘worth’ (or worthiness) getting tossed around here. People who have self-worth problems are likely to feel quite agitated in ways which very much point to unresolved issues which they’d like to think are about others (or “their fault”) but which in reality have to do with a lack of respect for Self. When something about us doesn’t ring ‘right’ with us, we struggle. When we are unable to face the facts and deal with them, we hurt.

Feelings of helplessness or frustration with being unable to ‘get it right’ are likely to pop up now. Try to find the real source. No, it won’t be easy.

Try anyway. This being the opening of Pallas’ station and considering how Pallas is named for Pallas Athena and that pretty much automatically underscores everything said about Athena moving into Gemini. So especially when/where/if things are difficult, don’t just buy into the emotion – try to learn where it’s coming from. It may involve opening a whole new (or old) can of worms. If so, open it. Getting to real reasons may cause a lot of walls to come a’tumbling down, but this would be the time for walls to be coming (what with a Gemini solar eclipse about to happen) so dig, dig, dig! Ask questions! Be willing to hear the truth, ugly or beauteous.

Go for the knowing. What you learn now may change everything.

May 31st: All of the May 30th issues get a little more convoluted as Tantalus entering Cancer at 4:29am (UT/+0) which remember, is still May 30th if you live in the Americas or Pacific Basin. Tantalus in Cancer? An invitation to undermine ourselves through attempting to ‘manipulate’ the situation so we don’t have to a.) face facts…or, b.) change.

And though I’d like to say ‘good luck with that!’ and just move on, given that May 30/31st have the Sun fused with Aldebaran (integrity) and in opposition to Antares (obsession)…all this barely in advance of the Gemini eclipse really does set the stage for some new highs in lows and truly bad judgment.

The old slogan ‘check it once, check it twice’ doesn’t even come close to it here. With TNO Typhon moving on station, situations in everyone’s life will be provoking us at very personal and primary (even primal) levels which are individual to each one of us. 

And yet…if we acknowledge that the Gemini-Sagittarius polarity process is all about learning more and learning (among other things) to master the art of perspective on self this makes sense as part of a greater period about getting a grasp on what needs changing and the reality of life and our lives.

Those who are honestly willing to evolve, learn better, accept responsibility and all that good stuff? This may not be their favorite moment in all of life, but those are the people who will come out of these next few months knowing they’ve learned more and better.

They (meaning you!) may even have done something you’re really proud of yourself for doing because you’ve learned something new.

June 1st is Eclipse Day!

A solar eclipse occurs today at 9:17pm (UT/+0) at 11 Gemini, a degree which is by definition ‘mentally emotional’ (read: intensely whatever it is) and traditionally sort of childish, childlike…or maybe ‘surface oriented’ or just plain shallow.

The simplistic form of this polarity is that some will just try to do ‘just enough’ and some will tear off the veneer and in doing away with that, really get at the heart of the matter.

Known as a 'solar map' to astrologers, the above is how
modern astrological software pictures an eclipse track.
software: Solar Fire Gold (v.7)/Esoteric Technologies (alabe.com)

Interesting (at least to some!), the actual date of a solar eclipse often seems rather peaceful and inconsequential. Lunar eclipses? Boy, they go off with a bang! But solar eclipses? Usually not so much…but don’t be fooled! A season may not change in a day, but spring will become summer, fall will become winter, and the whole of the process is very much unavoidable and unstoppable.

 A close up (detail) of the same solar map reveals the eclipse path beginning
in the Far East - the beginning and end points of the eclipse (and often, points
all along those longitudes) being points of stress and activity particularly when
the eclipse is a total eclipse, which this one is not.

So it is with eclipses. In fact, seasons and eclipses are very much about the same sort of celestial mechanics. Sun, Moon, Earth…together they make seasons and years and tidal cycles and eclipses: all the basic stuff.

With Neptune going on station now there will be many really enjoying the ‘magical’ quality so part of any eclipse. And the combination of Neptune going on station and Pallas (factual wisdom) is a promise of insight to those who are wiling to see not just what they want to see, but the realities of things.

Yet, with Pallas going retrograde at 15 degrees of Aquarius (one of four cross-quarter degrees) it is implied that there are many in worldly power (or just ‘in power’) who are reluctant to let go of the reins (aka for some, their stranglehold and control). Cross quarter degrees always separate the more ‘mine’ from ‘the greater concern’ as pertains to each zodiac quarter and when it comes to the 4th quarter (which is public, pro-active and worldly) the question is whether the few or the many are in control…or even the point of the effort.

The zodiac as an Aries Wheel showing the cross-quarter points plus
approximations of Neptune's station/retrograde and the Solar Eclipse position. 

Today, we get to hear a lot of interesting, inspiring ideas – and probably a whole lot of nonsense. Telling them apart? That’s the important thing!

June 2nd: With Typhon (basic needs and urges) going direct in Virgo today at 11:18am (UT/+0) AND Mercury entering its ‘home’ sign of mental Gemini at 8:04 in the evening (UT/+0), there’s hope and reason to believe we can get some sort of productive activity under way.

Well, except for the right to scatter things about that so many take to be the 'purpose’ of Gemini! They’re so, so wrong of course – if that was true, none of us would ever get anything worthwhile done! Where we see scattered attention, disorganization, lack of priorities and an inability to cope with realities, astrologers look automatically to Mercury, Gemini-Sagittarius (as a polarity) and the 3rd house of a natal chart, that being Gemini’s native house.

The combination of Typhon/Mercury spells a focus on the important stuff…or on how to disrupt that which is truly important to someone else. When these things function together in ‘first person personal’ we see the surfacing of personal problems, eruptions of long-buried feelings, needs or resentments - and with some, the exacerbation of mental illness.

All of this – from top to bottom – depends on our ability (and willingness) to cope with whatever our challenges and/or vulnerabilities (weaknesses, flaws, lacks of information, etc.) really are.

June 3: As Neptune goes retrograde at 0 Pisces – a degree known in Sabian Symbols as emblematic of the ‘marketplace’ the play of Mercury against Neptune for one, incites grandiose statements and the more-than-occasional lie.

(Sorry, I just tell it like it is!)

Whether the lie gets told now or it gets uncovered now depends on your life, your chart, your mindset.

Whatever the situation, there is the side of ‘knowing’ and the side of ‘feeling’ and here they are tested not to see whether you can withstand one or the other, but so we all can measure within our Self how realistic our life is…how real our estimations are…and how well we actually deal with reality on a whole.

Those who try to (as put by show host Adam on Discovery Channel’s Mythbusters) … ‘reject your reality and substitute my own!’ will feel caught up in a vortex not of reality versus fantasy, but of insecurities which result from an internal awareness of the difference between ‘your reality,’ ‘my reality’ and REALITY.
Only the third one works.

June 4th:  House being the emblem “being at home,” has this asteroid moving into Gemini at 3:17pm (UT/+0) on the 4th, reinforcing the idea of thinking things over – and the need to think things over.

Especially with Jupiter moving into Taurus at 1:57pm (UT+0) and Polyhymnia entering Leo this is a fine day for art, romance, social festivities, personal creativity – and especially with Neptune still on station (if now in retrograde) we are in a ‘negotiable’ mood and willing to talk things over with someone.

Can bygones be bygones? Can something which seemed mired in eternal tar and hopelessly stuck get moving now? Quite possibly yes. And to those who have business matters who are running to check their calendars, June 4th is a Saturday. But no, all is certainly not lost! So groan if you’re one of those ‘I need my answer NOW!’ types, but otherwise think of what you could say to whoever your issue is ‘stuck’ with and formulate a well-humored communication. This is when the fine art of knowing the benefit of leaving the message or sending out that email which will get read two days hence…when all that comes into play.

The real issue is your generosity of spirit and your willingness to be realistic. Business efforts and aims should all stress the market and the broadest possible appeal, not the ‘me’ and ‘mine’ and ‘I need to know’ part. If you’re looking for something strictly ‘flash in the pan’ (the one-time hit) that may work now, but don’t plan on it working two weeks from now. Maybe not even two days from now.

And for those who are looking farther down the road? Let your imagination lead the way – don’t lock yourself in to some small and narrowly defined niche. When we look around we see the prevalence of multi-national corporations, conglomerates which own many different kinds of companies and people parlaying success in one areas into an entre into another.

The balance now is what is really possible against what could possibly be. 

So good luck…and have a great week!

Oh – before I go - expect blogs to go up on the eclipse (June 1st), Mercury’s Gemini ingress (June 2nd), the Neptune station (June 3rd) and Jupiter entering Taurus (June 4th).

And be good to you!

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