
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Klotho and Pluto: Fate and Transformation

The Three Fates
by Sodoma

There are many tales which touch on the habits, actions and ‘choices’ of the three Greek Fates, none of which is particularly complimentary.

They could definitely could use a good PR person.

Of said three personages, it’s likely most of us would choose Klotho as the Fate we like best. Klotho is the ‘spinner’ – the idea that new things (and people) come into being. In the grand circuit of birth, life and death, Klotho is birth.

Pluto, on the other hand, is sometimes known as a symbol of rebirth – hence Pluto’s connection with the idea of the phoenix.

So these two are rather in sync, right? Not meaning that they’re a boy band (boy, that would be one scary thought – planetoids in performance…now coming to your local solar system…)…we might think that birth and rebirth are different ways of saying the same thing. And in a rather distant sense, they are. But dwarf planet Pluto is a Kuiper Belt object – it orbits way, way, way far away from us. Klotho isn’t a dwarf planet – it’s an asteroid, one which orbits rather towards the outside of the main asteroid belt, making Klotho the image of something we meet up with in life on a cyclic basis.

So Klotho is more about things we start as we go through life simply because that’s part of life…or the idea of birth, of birthing, of bringing something into being. Against this, remembering that Pluto’s orbit is governed (physically) by Neptune, Pluto represents the transformative power of emotions in our lives. We choose to do something, we experience it and what happens – the result – has an emotional impact on us which changes us. That’s Pluto’s version of rebirth. It can be large, it can be a moment in an elevator, Pluto can represent the emotional effort we put into rehabilitation after an accident or the grief associated with death, the fear and anxiety experienced through threat, the ecstasy of success.

Now that we know the difference between these items, why does it matter?

Well for one, Klotho is entering Gemini at 2:26am (UT/+0) on April 7th, beginning about seven weeks of what will likely be new ideas and choices…which may well be driven by new information and events.

But we shouldn’t think that all this will be “new” new ideas…considering that Klotho’s Gemini ingress will happen under Mercury retrograde, we can expect at least a goodly measure of debate about how things should be done along with the a heaping handful of that ever-popular sport of criticizing others while offering nothing new, or workable.

Yet if we approach this from the point of view of all things happening as they should, then Klotho entering Gemini under Mercury retrograde would also be thinking things over and going back over our facts. It would favor revisions and editing of ideas…or actions…or anything else which needs editing!

So this could be an indicator of much pot-stirring to come, or useful pausing, restarting and honing of processes.

Against this we have Pluto. And what is Pluto up to? Well aside from the fact that Pluto the Dwarf Planet is continuing to wander around the frigid outer solar system in an orbit controlled by Big Blue Neptune (a planet specifically all about non-specificity), Pluto is also going on station as of April 7th, about to go retrograde at 7 Capricorn.

And that suggests that there well may be a ‘fateful’ quality to things which happen today…and over the next couple of days. During the two days which fall before April 9th (when Pluto actually goes into retrograde motion) matters would pertain to things which have not yet happened. In the two days after April 9th, we would guess they would pertain to things which have already been done. 

We will also figure that those last two days will be colored by things going on then – on which we will comment and contemplate as those moments come along.

For now…considering Mercury is in retrograde and Pluto going on station, this astrologer’s guess is that there will be a lot of ‘personal considerations’ going on now – and for the next day or so. Neptune’s recent move into Pisces is signaling an ever-greater disparity between our ability to have faith and just deal with things and ideas (or our imaginations) taking us to some very dark places.

There’s a popular stream of thought which says just think good things and all will be fine. And while there is a lot to be said for checking unfounded fears at the mental door, there’s also a line which when crossed means we’re just kidding ourselves.

Over the next few days, we probably would do well to hold the good thought without abandoning all (and our) reality.

Of course if we learn to do that, we may actually realize that fate is only in part what is handed us. The other part is all in what we do with it, considering that choices have consequences.

Would that be so bad?


  1. As a new astrologer, I am researching Klotho today as I decide whether to take her into consideration in my lunar return(s). Still not sure, but thank you for the heads-up. I'll certainly mark April 7-9 on my calendar. -- Kathy

    1. Hi, Kathy...!

      I'm delighted to hear you're studying astrology. One word on marking your calendar however...this was a 2011 post, so the date cited was only applicable to April 2011.

      If I can be of some assistance, drop me a line!


  2. Hi,Boots Hart.
    Klotho conjunct my Natal Ascendant at Leo 20.What to expect?
    Old soul.

    1. In the general sense, this would be about the dynamic quality of what you do and how you do it, particularly things which allow you to be creative in some sense. Because your Ascendant is at 20 Leo, you never act alone...what you do is in tandem with others, for others, commented on others, as part of a greater effort involving others...something!

      Delineating anything Leo in your chart will depend on the placement and condition of your Sun...the house it's in, the ruler of that house - etc. So I can't be totally specific, but the Ascendant is about how we appear to others (our personality) and Klotho is 'beginnings.' I suppose another way to think of this would be the whether you 'start things' or not - and whether others look to you TO start things...or to react to them when they start things.

      Does that help?
