
Saturday, October 16, 2010

Did Meteors Miss Planet Earth?

A truly great photograph of P1/Comet McNaught
photo credit: Fir002/Flagstaffoto (see link )


Most astronomical events happen on a schedule. For example, come every early October, planet Earth passes through two meteor showers. One - the Orionids - we've already discussed. The other, the Draconids usually happens, but hasn't.

So did the meteors miss Earth, or is Earth missing some  meteoric encounter? Either way, to know what might that mean suggests we have to look at the source of the Draconid meteor shower. And that source is a comet - a comet by the name of Giacobini-Zinner (aka 21P), which you may remember from a photo of it posted on this blog a couple of days ago...

 Comet 12P/Giacobini-Zinner
photo source: NASA/JPL-Caltech

So...what are comets? Put in broadest terms, comets are (generally) asteroid-sized objects which because of a collision or getting caught in some planet's magnetic resonance field gets 'thrown' into a highly oblong orbit. That orbit (again, generally) sends it in towards the Sun, in the course of which the comet crosses one (or several) planetary orbital paths. At some point it reaches it's inner orbital apex. And from that 'return point,' it turns around and goes zooming off back towards the icy outer reaches of our solar system.

Metaphysically, we see this as a 'bringing' of some attribute however close(r) to us. A comet is thus a symbolic connector, and the length of it's orbital cycle tells us how often Earth gets treated to new input from whatever the comet's (outer) source point is.

In the case of Giacobini-Zinner, that orbital cycle is 6.621 (Earth) years. And because three cycles of 6.621 years gives us 19.863 (years)...AND the Jupiter/Saturn synodic cycle is 19.86 years, we know these two things are esoterically connected.

Just to review...a synodic cycle concerns how often transiting planets out there in the solar system come to be posed at the same zodiacal degree. Saturn/Jupiter being a pair notorious as signaling a rise or fall of careers, societies, nations, religions, corporations and all other forms of structural expansion/contraction, we know that in missing this meteor shower, this is not the year to expect a lot of change to the ongoing status quo. Things which are changing will, like as not, continue to change. Things which are stuck will probably remain stuck.

The current Saturn in Libra 'attitudes (plus and minus) about how people interact (or need to if they want to succeed) will not change.' Nor will the blockades raised against them. Or the supports supporting them.

The current Jupiter In Pisces (conjunct Uranus) which has manifested throughout 2010 as events and situations which in raising our feelings cause us to actually recognize their power in our own lives and thus their importance in the lives of others will continue. It's been a rocky (and for many upsetting) year and we are being given a signal that those incidents are not likely to abate.

Maybe because we haven't learned enough yet? Maybe so.

So saying, what exactly is the path of Giacobini-Zinner? Answer: it's outermost point is just beyond Jupiter. It's innermost orbital point is pretty much in our Earthly neighborhood...

 An orbital diagram of Giacobini-Zinner 
(spatial relationships not to scientific scale)

This orbit is interesting because its outermost point is beyond Jupiter, but inside of Saturn. That defines it astrologically as something beyond that which we can know but not beyond our ability to do.

The inner point plainly being in the Earthly plane, we are thus told that Giacobini-Zinner is about that we don't know yet or can't be sure of which we still need to learn how to do. It would also tend to say that what we natively are, or what our reality of today is (Earth) needs to be taken beyond what we now know possible.

That would be what we might focus on or be inspired by if the meteor shower which Giacobini-Zinner brings us graced our night skies.

That it isn't a feature of our Earthly experience this year means we aren't going to get inspired. We are also going to struggle with seeing those little 'lights' which referencing the old 'light at the end of the tunnel' sort of thing tends to tell us end of some process is not all that far away.

When discovered back on December 12, 1900, the comet was between the constellations Aquarius and Pisces, emphasizing the 'big picture' and 'realistic results' best aimed at in connection with this object. Though Aquarius can idealize and Pisces is all about yearnings and hope, the core of these signs is all about those things which in being functional, universal and participated in by all are also moral, compassionate and non judgmental. So that our world (and our lives) are filled with examples of life being exactly not that shouldn't surprise us.

On the other hand, it also tells us what we have yet to do in this world. You know...the Saturn/Jupiter command. It is up to decide whether we grow or contract. And while clearly there's a balance to be struck in all things, were Giacobini-Zinner is concerned, there is also the necessity to go beyond our status quo.

Is life changing for you, or remaining the same? Take your cue from that - and look ahead. That which isn't fun or isn't what we precisely don't personally like isn't always bad. Sometimes it's just about our unwillingness to grow beyond our own egocentric (Pisces) view of this (Aquarian) world.

No meteor shower...no break in an ongoing process. So we keep on keeping on, one and all.

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