
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Flashes in the Sky - SpaceWeather News (Sept 22)

Did you know there was a trio of
explosive solar doings today?  

Did you hear a fireball streaked
across the New Mexico and
Texas sky yesterday?

It's a busy, busy world and 
thank goodness someone got pictures!

Here's the link. For those who prefer addresses, it's http://spaceweather.com/

What does this mean metaphysically? That the Sun erupted at 29 Virgo speaks to either a 'burst' of energy which may manifest as insight or activity. Virgo being a sign all about taking care of things which need doing, the spectrum was broad; so much solar energy suggests a 'breaking free' of restrictions.

To be noted, of course, is that we have now moved on - and that may be the biggest message of all. Tempus does indeed fugit (time flies). We have an opportunity to do things and if they are worth doing or need doing, we should do them.

That said, now we move on - it's a new day and a new season. Libra is in this moment, literally the sign of the times.

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