
Saturday, August 21, 2010

News Flash: Sedna Station Effects Begin

Dwarf planet Sedna goes retrograde on August 23rd. That means the two-day general 'leeway' given to planetary stations begins today (August 21st) and extends through August 25th.

Sedna's tale is a complicated one which I've already written on elsewhere (link), but which amounts to the struggle we all have with the concept of growing up, moving beyond 'early programming' and recognizing that those things we want or crave or focus on to the exclusion of so much else is not so much about us as a means (motivation, perhaps?) through which we fulfill our purpose to others and thus build a satisfying ultimate sense of self.

One thing to remember going into this station period is that because Sedna is so very, very, very far away, it's not anything we have a direct 'grasp on.' Any celestial object which orbits beyond Saturn is defined as being beyond that grasp as Saturn is the last planet visible with the naked eye. 

And Sedna? Sedna orbits at a distance which makes Saturn look like it's crowding your personal space - which plainly, it isn't!

Anything beyond Neptune being something which we can merely 'conceptualize' and hardly ever retain on a consistent basis (mentally), Sedna is so far beyond most of the common 'post-Neptune' objects (Pluto, Orcus, Deucalion, Ixion, Eris) that it's in a whole other class.  The 'Pluto group' takes around 240-250 years to orbit once around the Sun. Sedna takes 10,500 years to orbit once around the Sun.

Like I said - it's in a whole other class. And thus also are the lessons and messages and incidents implied by Earth's relationship to Sedna's position - which is really what astrology is about. The science of wavelengths and motion through space aside, what we see through astrology is the clockwork process of time unfolding in reality at every level.
And with Sedna, it's all about letting go of the other in order to be our greater and more productive and creative Self which in fulfilling our promise, provides and supports the lives of others. Or our difficulties with same. Or our difficulties with dealing with others who have such difficulties, and how that either appeals to us or repels us, which in the very long (10,500 year long) long run probably shapes the course of human and planetary history.  

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