
Sunday, June 20, 2010

A Royal Swedish Wedding


On Saturday, June 19th, Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden married Daniel Westling, turning him into Prince Daniel, Duke of Vastergotland - a rather modern version of the  romantic tale where Prince marries the commoner. 

The wedding chart includes a grand cross with a Virgo Saturn/Dionysus (state celebrations) in opposition to a quintet (Uranus, Jupiter, Lust, Eos and fixed star Scheat) in late Pisces/early Aries suggesting that though having what should be a most tender and personal moment being turned into a spectacle was not exactly this pair's cup of tea. All that Lust-ful, unbridled Eos attention with the eyes of the whole Jupiterian world on them via every Uranian broadcasting means known to modern mankind! It's enough to make a Prince and Crown Princess wish they could just pick up and run.

But they didn't - as represented by the out-of-sign opposition to that anchoring Saturn, they knew this was just something to do, and enjoy in all its regal splendor. 

As for the third corner of the square, that's Ceres in Sagittarius. With this in the thoughtful 3rd house of the marriage chart and Ceres being the tender of the fields so that they then can harvest, this speaks hugely to every detail being proper and formal and just so...and seeing that this is the house of thinking, how so very many had probably just been just waiting for this moment!  

Another note in this 3rd is an intercepted Pluto/North Node. With interceptions giving us 3rd house 'dream' thinking and 'thing going on behind the scenes' which function to make things happen for others we have a just barely secret signature of not only all the coverage of the wedding, but all sorts of people standing in the wings should anything unforeseen happen!

The last corner of this grand square is a lovely Sun conjunct Betelgeuse (all things going well), which in a truly fairy tale romantic gesture was in the 9th house of pomp and religion as the ceremony began and in the 8th house of intimate unity as the couple was pronounced man and wife. 

And we surely wish them all the happiness in the world!


  1. "a truly fairy tale romantic gesture was in the 9th house of pomp and religion as the ceremony began and in the 8th house of intimate unity as the couple was pronounced man and wife. "

    How amazing is that!

  2. Very! Then again, that's how astrology works!
