
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Poet's Corner: Turning to My Light

my bedside lamp

with the twist of a switch,
you’re there
such a simple thing, yet so able to
command my awareness,
touchingly reminding me
of how much you cared
and…dare I say?...how unfair
was the means by which
the connection suddenly broke,
crossed live wires causing everything
to go up in smoke

yet you remain
because that switch
is still current in my brain
transmitting electricity

through my circuitry,
illuminating in me
an incandescent love,
a glowing filament of
abiding human simplicity

…so with each twist

of that switch
comes a dispelling dark from doubt
the shining of your goodness
rebinding frayed cords of mind

and as my fingers touch the rigid stem
of that which you installed
I get how

I love you now
and loved you then
how very much
I miss my dearest of confidence

in confident friends

and how that counts
most of all in the end

so it happens,

before I sleep
I pause a moment

and think how very sweet
that not once, but twice
you were so nice
in bothering to repair
my bedside light.

boots hart

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