
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Uranus and BP's Blowout

For those of you following what seems an interminable series of 'we're getting there' announcements coming out of British Petroleum (BP), when they started delays late last week it occurred to me that it might just be a very good thing if the delay took them all the way to that magical moment when Uranus will leave 29 Pisces and enter Aries.

Adjusting for time (to the site of the oil change), this event will occur on Thursday, May 27 at 8:44 in the evening. What does this mean if the attempt is made prior to this time? Obviously in terms of environmental effects, this leak can't be stopped a moment too soon. But does this timing of the shift into Aries and out of Sheat-occupied critical degree 29 Pisces tell us that anything done prior to this time is doomed not to work.
Pulling transits to the chart for the discovery of Uranus (a move made simply out of curiosity) reveals the transit North Node (propriety of necessity) conjunct Eris (discord) on Wednesday, May 26th at 6:09 in the evening, Deepwater time. 

It will be interesting to see how that manifests. 

Whatever happens at that point, there is a clear sign of 'shifting management' which shows on the BP corporate chart come Saturday morning (UK time). For those of the astro-techy tribe, the transit is Juno conjunct Pluto with Juno being in BP's natal 9th house and Pluto being in BP's natal 11th, just conjunct its North Node - which among other things speaks to corporate income. This may indicate an actual change of management, a shift of management with regards to this blow out or something else which will affect BP's income - and let's face it, if the US decides to send in military assets to fix what BP isn't fixing, that's going to be a very expensive bill hitting BP's bottom line.

Think the US won't do that? They do. Back when I was working in motion pictures, one of the films I worked on got permission to film aboard an aircraft carrier. There's a whole hairy story which goes with this, but the part which applies to this discussion is that when the film crew left, the carrier's captain had a survey done of everywhere the crew had been. The production company was summarily served with a bill covering the cost of repainting not just walls and railings, but a large section of the flight deck... and that's very special (and very expensive) paint they use on those decks, since it has to provide landing and take-off traction for fighter jets. 

Last note here...having secured the actual date of incorporation for BP (from the company itself) somewhere in the next couple of weeks I will undertake to write an article on same. It may get posted here, or it may get posted at Daykeeper Journal  (www.daykeeperjournal.com) ...I will at the very leave a message here to let everyone know.

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