
Friday, May 28, 2010

The Stress on our Souls

One of the things I’ve come to realize is that things which go on out in the world are not separate from our lives. And it’s not a matter of the environment or economic entanglement or politics, population or any other thing. Not in isolation. Every one of these things count – but they’re all sort of the same thing.

And that’s what astrology really teaches us. We’re unique, no question. Charts only repeat every 25,920 years even when we limit charts to the common local solar system planets.

But the issues in our lives and life as we know it are all manifestations of the very same Existence. You know, that E=mc2'd thing – the universe as time/space. It doesn’t manifest once as the planets and in some other act as ecology – it all manifests all at once. At every level.

So Uranus just moved into Aries and in the next couple of days, Saturn will go direct and Neptune will go retrograde. And as this all happens, one of the huge issues here in the US of A (where I write) is a mammoth and as-yet uncontrolled oil spill going on in the Gulf of Mexico.

There are a lot of blowouts going on. We’re each feeling it. Some ‘old way’ of doing things isn’t working so well for us anymore. Issues, challenges, needs, questions, insecurities – they’re bubbling up and leaving quite a slick. And the goo isn’t ‘out there’ …it’s mucking up our shallows, the life we find convenient to think about.

Uranus in Aries is all about thinking of ourselves and life in a new way. Evidently it’s time to do just that.

Saturn going direct means we need or should do some (re)building of structures we base our lives on.

Neptune going retrograde says it’s time to stop thinking life is just some dream which happens 'out there' or which will fix itself if you just do what you like doing or find easy. 

The angst – that’s real. But the real message is that we’re all either contributors to our problems or drivers of ultimate solutions. So yeah, you should be stressed. So am I. And there are plenty of good reasons for all of it. But growth is never comfortable – you think crawling out of a chrysalis is fun? Ever heard a mother yell when giving birth?

It’s time to rebirth ourselves as people. And good Uranian luck with that. We need each other more than we know and are more afraid of how self contained (or is that selfish?) other people are than any of us really want to admit. If we were better creatures we wouldn’t need such stress to get us moving but unfortunately, human beings tend to be not just creatures of habit, but creatures of lethargy. And excuses. And emotional greed. 

It's so all bubbling up.



  1. ""Things which go on out in the world are not separate from our lives.

    There are a lot of blowouts going on. We’re each feeling it. Some ‘old way’ of doing things isn’t working so well for us anymore. Issues, challenges, needs, questions, insecurities – they’re bubbling up and leaving quite a slick."


    So true. This sums up what is happening in my life . I guess I'm not alone in that. (sort of nice to know I suppose) .

  2. I mentioned that I felt super-bogged down and worried (about the oil leak and other life and death stuff in particular) to my boss and she said everyone she talked to felt the same way. It's really in the air in a big way. Yes, I completely agree with everything you wrote, describes it beautifully! Thanks.
